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WC Plugin: Tarp Builder

Tech Used: PHP, JS, CSS, HTML

One of my clients has had tremendous success in the transportation industry and has the ability to manufacture massive custom tarps for truck drivers, dump trucks, etc. They tasked me to build a tarp builder for WooCommerce, and this is the result. Take a look.

Tarp Builder on the front end for customers.


There are several variants of the tarp builder. I’m focusing on the square vinyl product here, but there are three other variants: Square Mesh, Circle Vinyl, Circle Mesh.

How the tarp builder product edit page looks like. Price variables blacked out.

Since this particular plugin was made to suit the industry-specific needs of the client, I don’t want to publish too much detail about how it works. Even the Github repository has some critical files removed from it to render it broken.

Basically, the frontend uses Javascript to calculate the price on page, ensuring the price reflects the specifications set on the product edit page. If the product is added to cart, the server-side PHP follows the same formula and pricing structure to modify the price of the tarp through the cart and checkout, and also saves the specific options and meta data such as dimensions, square footage, color, grommet spacing, etc.

The vinyl tarp as visible in the cart, with all of its meta data.

The following example shows the option to specify grommet spacing per each side of the tarp.

Each side of the tarp can have a specific amount of grommets specified.